
The Wright Family

318 people on file

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Site Statistics
Area Number
People On File 318
Census records 43
Images 22
Document Transcripts 2
Locations 234

Top 10 Surnames

  • Wright (44)
  • FitzHerbert (30)
  • Cooper (20)
  • Cheney (16)
  • Tod (16)
  • Sellar (15)
  • Todd (13)
  • Hepburn (11)
  • Percy (8)
  • Beresford (7)
Random Image

Arthur FitzHerbert Wright
Upcoming Anniversaries
Births Date Anniversary
George Skelton Anderson 29/04/1833 191 years
The Hon. Daisy Isobel Moncreiff 03/05/1874 150 years
Alice Joan Roberts 07/05/1913 111 years
Ellen Margaret Hepburn Fitzherbert 07/05/1845 179 years
George Sellar 12/05/1744 280 years
Sir Charles Douglas Fox 14/05/1840 184 years
Marriages Date Anniversary
John Wright & Elisabeth Beresford 29/04/1791 233 years
Col. Charles Bill M.P. & Ellen Margaret Hepburn Fitzherbert 03/05/1870 154 years
Walter Hepburn Melitas FitzHerbert & Mary Joanna Sophia Carr 18/05/1886 138 years
Deaths Date Anniversary
Susan Castle 02/05/1894 130 years
Adeline Frances Henrietta FitzHerbert 05/05/1924 100 years
Walter Hepburn Melitas FitzHerbert 05/05/1930 94 years
Ellen Margaret Hepburn 07/05/1845 179 years
Revd Robert Chichester Moncrieff 14/05/1913 111 years
Gilbert Francis Moncreiff Wright 22/05/1940 84 years
Last 20 People Updated RSS
Person Updated
Mary Gillispie 14/04/2019
Henry Ellis Roberts 14/04/2019
Elisabeth Beresford 14/04/2019
John Wright 28/03/2019
Mary Joanna Sophia Carr 18/02/2017
Nicholas Hepburn Fitzherbert 18/02/2017
Thomas Carr Fitzherbert 18/02/2017
Walter Hepburn Melitas FitzHerbert 18/02/2017
Harriet Marjorie Fitzherbert 18/02/2017
Dame de Gourley 31/03/2014
Vaux 31/03/2014
Patrick de Hepburn 31/03/2014
John Todd 14/03/2014
Mary Penny Anderson 25/02/2014
Robert Hepburn Wright 25/02/2014
Judith Wright 25/02/2014
John Fitzherbert 25/02/2014
William Congalton 21/02/2014
Lady Mary Hay 21/02/2014
Robert Congalton 21/02/2014

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