318 people on file

M Ichabod Wright

Born on 28/01/1767
Died on 14/11/1862
Son of Thomas Wright (00/00/1724 - ) and Mary Smith (Died )
Children with
harriet maria Day ( - 21/01/1843)
M Ichabod Charles Wright (11/04/1795 - 14/10/1871)
Year Schedule Address Condition Age Profession Place of Birth Details
1851 (British Isles) full details
Basford, 3j, 170
Mapperley Hall, Nottinghamshire 84 St Peter, Nottinghamshire
The Gentleman's Magazine - Obituary
ICHABOD WRIGHT, ESQ. Nov. 14, 1862. At his seat, Mapperley, near Nottingham, aged 95, Ichabod Wright, Esq., long the head of one of the oldest banking firms in the kingdom. The deceased, who was born Jan. 28, 1767, was the eldest son of Mr. Thomas Wright, by Mary, daughter of Mr. John Smith, of Nottingham. He was admitted a freeman of the town in 1791, and his was the second name on the burgess roll at ihe time of his decease. In his younger days he took an active part in local matters; and one of his first appearances in public matters was being present when the foundation-stone was laid of the General Hospital in 1782, eighty years ago. When the South Nottinghamshire Yeomanry was formed in 1794 he was appointed Captain-commandant of the four troops, and in 1808 he succeeded Colonel Elliott in the command of the Nottingham Volunteers, a force organised in 1798, when threats of a French invasion were rile. His interest in both services continued long after his official connection ceased, and when the present rifle corps, the "Robin Hoods," was formed, he presented the Mapperley Cup as a prize for the best marksman. In political matters the deceased never very actively interfered, though on one or two occasions he acted as nominator of candidates for the county representation. As. a business man he ranked high, and his social qualities were such as to win him the esteem of those with whom he was brought in contact. Though his ancestors were Dissenters, he was himself a member of the Church of England; and it was mainly through his liberality that the present church at Carrington was erected. He was an active supporter of the public charities, contributing, not only liberally from his purse, but interesting himself personally in their management and success. He retained possession of his faculties till the last; and his out-door activity during the last few years was a subject of surprise to all those who were acquainted with him. He married on the 28th of January, 1794, Harriett Maria, daughter of Mr. Benjamin Day, of Norwich, who died on the 21st of January, 1843, and by her had three sons and ten daughters. One of his sons is the well- known translator of the Inferno of Dante ; another is married to the Hon. Theodosia Denman, daughter of the late and sister of the present peer ; and one of his daughters, Harriet, is now Lady Overstone. The family of the Wrights has been connected for a long time with the town of Nottingham. The first of them who appears on the roll of freemen is Thomas Wright, ironmonger, inrolled in 1687, who was the son of Captain Wright, a soldier in the time of the Commonwealth. He married Miss Hannah Rotherham, of Dronfield in the county of Derby, and died on the 28th of November, 1730, leaving several children. His youngest son, Ichabod, who was born in 1700, was likewise an ironmonger, and was made a burgess immediately on coming to age, the date of his enrolment being 1721. He married in 1720, whilst a minor, Elizabeth, daughter of John Wildbore, of Nottingham, and died on the 2nd of September, 1777, leaving threesons and three daughters— John, his heir; Thomas, father of Mr. Ichabod Wright, of Mapperley ; Samuel (entered upon the burgess roll in 1750 as Samuel Wright, merchant); Mary, married in 1752 to Sir Robert Cunliffe, Bart.; Elizabeth, who died in 1800, and Hannah, who died in 1823. It was this gentleman and his two sons, both of whom are entered on the burgess roll aa ironmongers, who established the bank which has been so successfully carried on as to place the family of the Wrights among the foremost in the country. The bank was originally conducted in the Long Row, and was only removed to the present premises—which was an ancient mansion of the Gregories—at the beginning of the present century. The eldest son of the above John Wright was born on April 8th, 1723, and married Anne, daughter of John Sherbrooke, of Nottingham, merchant, by whom he had issue two sons and six daughters. Mr. John Wright, his son, formerly resided on the Low-pavement, in the premises known as Willoughby House ; and he was a partner for many years in the banking business with his cousin, Mr. Ichabod Wright, of Mapperley. He was also largely engaged on his own account in carrying on the extensive iron-works at Butterley, which are now become one of the, if not the, most extensive in the kingdom. He married, on April 26th, 1791, Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Berresford, of Osmaston, in the county of Derby, where his son now resides at the Manor House. Thomas, the second son of the Mr. Ichabod Wright above mentioned, by Elizabeth Wildbore, whom he married on the 18th of December, 1720, was born on the 21st July, 1724, and married Mary, daughter of the late Mr. John Smith, of Nottingham, by whom he had three sons and three daughters, of whom the gentleman recently deceased was the eldest. In "Bailey's Annals of Nottinghamshire" it is mentioned as a somewhat remarkable fact that, though ever since the family of the Wrights took up their residence in Nottingham they have maintained a position of the highest respectability in the town, and through four or five generations appear in regular succession from father to son upon the burgess roll, not one of them has ever filled an office in the municipal body in the borough. " This, however," remarks the annalist, " may be partly accounted for by the fact that, throughout the whole of the first century of such residence, the governing body consisted mostly of Presbvterians, whilst the Wrights, down to the generation of which the late Mr. Wright, of Mapperley House, was the representative, were steady and zealous Independents— a sect generally held in greater dislike by their Nonconforming brethren of the former denomination than were even the Episcopalians themselves.

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